2007年10月13日 星期六

Social Conflict and Educational Innovation 教學大綱上線囉!!

As was the factory, so now is the university. Where once the factory was a paradigmatic site of struggle between workers and capitalists, so now the university is a key space of conflict, where the ownership of knowledge, the reproduction of the labour force, and the creation of social and cultural stratifications are all at stake. This is to say the university is not just another institution subject to sovereign and governmental controls, but a crucial site in which wider social struggles are won and lost.

To be sure, these changes occur as capitalism gives new importance to the production of knowledge, and in the advanced capitalist world, moves such production of knowledge to the centre of the economy. With this movement, the university also loses its monopoly in this same sphere of knowledge production. Perhaps it once made sense to speak of town and gown. But now the borders between the university and society blur.

This merging of university and society takes diverse forms. It can be shaped by the pressure to market degrees. Or it can be forced by measures that link the provision of funding to ‘technological transfer’ or collaboration with ‘partners’ from government and/or commercial enterprises. Similarly, the growing precariousness of academic work means that many labour both in and out of the university, not to mention the labour conditions for non-academic workers. And the opening of many universities to previously excluded cohorts of students, whether on the basis of social class or national jurisdiction, means that their internal composition has also changed.

These transformations both shift the possibilities for political expression in the university and initiate new kinds of struggle. In some instances, a politicised student movement has disappeared. In others has begun to grow. The transnationalisation of many university operations, including the internationalisation and diversification of the student body, introduces new kinds of cultural conflicts and tensions. At the same time, the university is derailed from its traditional mission of safeguarding the national and official culture. How are we to make sense of these changes, and, above all, how should they inform radical political investigation and action?
The university is a key site for intervention because it is now a global site. Indeed, there is no such thing as ‘the university’ but only universities, in their specific geographical, economic, and cultural locations. Even within universities there exists a range of labour practices and conditions as well as different cultures of organisation. If, in analogy to the factory of yesteryear, we are to understand the university as a paradigmatic site of struggle, we must first map and understand these differences (even as they are taking shape), not as an end in itself but as means of generating shared resources to meet the conflicts at hand.

1. 上課前一天將1頁的閱讀筆記post在課程部落格上,(30%)。
2. 課堂口頭報告,附書面大綱(30%)。
3. 期末報告(40%)。

第一週 09/19 第二週 09/26
第三週 10/03

第四週 10/10

第五週 10/17
David Harvey, Neoliberalism, 1-63

第六週 10/24
David Harvey, Neoliberalism, 64-119

第七週 10/31
Yann Moulier Boutang, “Cognitive Capitalism and Entrepreneurship”

第八週 11/07
Louis Althusser, “ideology and Ideological States Apparatuses” http://www.marx2mao.com/Other/LPOE70ii.html

第九週 11/14 期中考試週

第十週 11/21
Michel Foucault, “Panopticism” http://cartome.org/foucault.htm

第十一週 11/28
Brett Neilson and Ned Rossiter, “From Precarity to Precariousness and Back Again: Labour, Life and Unstable Networks”

第十二週 12/05
Franco Ingrassia, “The Post-state university: hypotheses, tendencies, wagers”
Ned Rossiter, “Informational Universities and Neoliberalism as a Condition of Possibility”

第十三週 12/19
Andrew Ross, “Rise of the Global University”

第十五週 12/26

第十六週 01/02
馬庫賽(Herbert Marcuse)〈導論 批判的麻痺:沒有反對派的社會〉《單面人》

第十七週 01/09
Sohail Inayatullah, “The Futures of Neohumanist Education”
Sohail Inayatullah and Jennifer Gidley, “Forces Shaping University Futures” http://www.metafuture.org/Articles/Forces%20Shaping%20University%20Futures.htm
Constructing Future Higher Education Scenarios: Insights from Universiti Sains Malaysia

2 則留言:

mei 提到...

讀了David Harvey《新自由主義簡史》(A Brief History of Neoliberalism)第三章,讓我對新自由主義的理論基礎有了更深一層的瞭解。新自由主義理論的陳述乃強烈贊同個人的私有財產權、法律的規則、市場自由運作機構和自由貿易。這些都是被視為保證個人自由制度的必要安排,由此,市場上的個人和個體的自由也被保證。企業和企業家是改革財富、提升個人生活水準的關鍵,而連續的增加生產力會給每個人帶來更高的生活水準。新自由主義理論對多數人統治的民主感到懷疑,它認為這種多數的治理規則會對於個人權力和憲法的自由造成潛在的威脅。新自由主義理論集中在法律規則和嚴厲的合憲性詮釋。它認為衝突和反對應由法院來做調停。對於任何問題的解決和治療,個體需透過合法系統來完成。政府才是執行秩序和司法的決定者,而不是民主和國會。但在實踐上,政府卻運用權力去推動及保護私有產權、市場制度,以及推向世界國際舞台。我們可以從國內和國際的一些事務,可以看出新自由主義運作的軌跡和其弔詭的地方。

小 玫

mei 提到...

詹小玫 207/10/29


在認知資本主義裡,傳統上資本和勞動力的分工變得模湖不清。一位程式設計師只要一張紙、一台電腦,便可以無線上網與網路連接。生產資本是一個無關白領或藍領的無產階級者,他把產品交換成一個穩定和正常的工資。每一個商品的生產是硬體、軟體、Wetware 和Netware而不是傳統的二元:資本/勞動。

